336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

72강 Step 2 전치사 out of


out of

1. (안에서) 밖으로

out of the box

out of the classroom

out of the library

out of the window

out of here

out of my way

out of her(그녀에게서 자백을 받다)

2. 벗어난

out of date(구식)

out of time

out of season (제철이 아님)

out of danger

out of luck

out of touch

out of control

out of order (고장난) = out of work(실직한 의 의미도)

out of business

3. ~ 중에서

3 out of 10

4 out of 10

2 out of 5

3 out of 10 people

4 out of 10 cats

2 out of 5 cell phones

4. 근원, 출처

out of fear

out of happiness

out of nothing

out of nowhere

You need to get out of there.

You need to get out of New York.

I don't want to get out of this room.

I don't want to get out of the water.

This is out of order.

My cell phone is out of order.

We are out of time.

He is out of control.

This party is out of control.

Your idea is out of date.

2 out of 10 cats are black.

4 out of 5 are not perfect.

He came out of nowhere.

My friend came out of nowhere.

I made this out of nothing.

We made this house out of nothing.

72강_전치사 out of.pdf


야나두가 끝이네...

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

71강 Step 2 전치사 to



1. 방향

to 부산, to the mall, to work, to the ground, to the left, to the right, 

to the north, to the south, to the west, to the east, where to?

2. 까지

to my shoulder, to my waist, up to my knee, up to here, up to now, up to page 10,

3. ~에게(대상)

to me, to your car, to whom, 

4. 점수

7 to 6, 5 to 3, 2 to 1, ...

5. 시간

5 to 10(10시 5분 전), 10 to 10(10시 10분 전), 5 to 9, 10 to 9,  

15 to 10(10시 15분 전) = a quarter to 10, a quarter to 9, 

<-> 5 past 10 ( 10시 5분)

It's three to twelve. It's three past twelve.

It's five to twelve. It's five past twelve.

It's ten to twelve. It's ten past twelve.

It's thirteen to twelve. It's thirteen past twelve.

I drove to Busan.

I drove to the airport.

I am driving to Seoul.

I am driving to the east.

You have to drive to the mall.

You have to drive to the right.

I study to survive.

I study to succeed.

I study to help others.

I gave it to him.

I would give it to you.

I used to give it to her.

I got used to giving it to you.

I am supposed to give it to you.

It is five to six. It is five past six.

It is fifteen to six. It is fifteen past six.

71강_전치사 to.pdf


화요일도 영어공부로...

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

70강 Step 2 전치사 for



1. 위해

for me

for more info.

for my country

for my class

for safety

for myself

for my family

for everyone

for her wedding

2. (시간) 동안

for 2 hours

for 4 hours

for 7 days

for a week

for now

for two years

fro nine minutes

※ during : 명사와 함께 사용, during the exam, during the winter, during the week

3. (거리) 걸쳐

for 2 miles

for 4 miles

for miles

for kilometers

for nine kilometers

4. 방향

leave for New York

start for New York

Head for bed

Head for work

start for Busan

start for the station

He left New York. He left for New York.

5. 찬성

I'm for it. <-> I'm against it.

Are you for it? <-> Are you against it.

6. 가격

for fifty cents

for five dollars

I study for myself.

I study for my country.

I will study for my family.

I was able to study for 10 minutes.

I was able to study for a month.

I should study during the weekends.

I walked for ten miles.

I bought it for 1 dollars.

I would have bought it for 50 cents.

Does this train leave for Seoul?

Does this train leave for Texas?

70강_전치사 for.pdf


월요일도 상쾌하게 ㅎㅎ

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

69강 Step 2 전치사 from



1. 부터

from 2

from today

from now on

from birth

from next year

from this year

from last year

from the morning

from the evening

from July

2. 장소

from here

from there

from my perspective

from scratch

from the bottom up

from Korea

from my house

from the start line

from the middle

from the top

3. 사람, 주체

from her

from him

from them

from us

from stranger

from the sun

from the sea

from the mountain

from someone

4. 숙어

- from to : from 2 to 5, from A to Z, from beginning to end, from morning to night, from M to F, from 1970 to 1980, 

                  from culture to culture, from place to place, from house to house, from person to person

I study from the o'clock.

I study from next year.

I studied from April.

I studied from the evening.

I will study from tomorrow.

I will study from August.

I go to school from my house.

Have him start from here.

Have him start from here.

Have him start from the middle.

I got a letter from her.

I got a letter from someone.

You may get a letter from your parents.

You may get a letter from her.

69강_전치사 from.pdf


잠 안 잔 김에....

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

68강 Step 2 전치사 by



1. 까지

by 7

by tomorrow

by the weekend

by Monday

by March

by that time

by this week

by 2011

by today

by next month


until (계속) + stay, wait

by (완료) + finish, be back

2. 옆에

by the river

by the window

by the chair

by the book

by me

by the bench

by my house

by him

by the tree

by the car

by the hospital

3. 의해서

by the people

by some people

by Bell

by the government

by a cop

by a reporter

by the president

by Shakespeare

4. 수단, 방법(무 관사)

by bus

by plane

by car

by credit card

by check

by cash => in cash가 더 맞음

by letter

by fax

by e-mail

5. 양, 정도

by an inch

by 3 cm

by a head

by 5%

by 20 students

by one to three

by the to fifteen

by two to six

68강_전치사 by.pdf


토요일이 순식간에 사라지는구나

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

67강 Step 2 전치사 in



1. 시간 : 넓은 의미의 시간대

In July, In (the) Spring, In 2010, In the 1970s, In the morning, In the future, In the past, 

In my life, In my schooldays, In my childhood, In my 20s, In the 21st Century,

in May, in the afternoon, in November, in the 1980s,

in five minutes, in a month

cf. In 10 minutes, In 2 weeks (~후에), <-> within 10 minutes, within 2 weeks

2. 공간

In the drawer, In the cage, In the water, In the middle, In the corner,

In the mirror, In the book, In the paper, In the dictionary, In the photo, In my dream

In Busan, In Korea, In my town, In the sky, In the world, In the universe, In(On) the street, In the field

in the wallet, in the classroom, in the magazine, in my heart

3. 상태

In love, In pain, In tears, In order, In good health, In good shape, 

4. 탈 것

In the car, In the taxi, In the truck, In the helicopter

cf. On은 큰 탈 것(비행기, 배 등) On the ship

5. 입고 있는

Men in Black, The lady in red dress, In uniform

I study in September. I will study in an hour.

The fly is in the house.

The fly is in the water.

I read it in the magazine.

I live in this town.

I am in love. I am in good condition.

67강_전치사 in.pdf



블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

66강 Step 2 전치사 on



1. 시간 : 정확한 날짜나 요일, on Monday, on Mondays, on weekends, on the weekends, 

2. 날짜 : on Aug 31st, on my birthday, on May 2nd, 2011, on Christmas, on New Year's Eve,

               on the second day, on a fine day, on Monday morning, on Friday evening, on Sunday night

3. 공간 : on the desk, on the wall, on the door, on the ceiling, on the shelf, on the couch, on the floor, on the cake, on my shirt, on my finger

               on the lake, on the water, on the coast, on the 5th Street, on Fifth Ave, on the corner, on the farm, on the street, on the road

4. 탈것 : on the bus, on the subway, on the train, ex) in the car(큰 것은 on, 작은 것은 in), on the ship, on the plane,

5. 수단 : on the Internet, on the radio, on the phone, on my cell phone, on TV, on BBC, on channel 7, on foot

on Tuesday, on my wedding day, on Thanksgiving Day, on the first day, on the second day, 

on the top, 

It's on me.

I study on Monday.

I study on April 2nd.

I study on weekdays.

I study on the floor.

I study on the bus.

The fly is on the door.

The fly is on the ceiling.

The fly is on my nose.

The fly is on the water.

I heard it on the radio.

I heard it on the new. 

I heard it on the phone.

I saw a picture on the wall on Sunday.

I saw a picture on the door on Christmas.

I saw a picture on the ceiling on Tuesday.

I saw a picture on the desk on Thursday.

66강_전치사 on.pdf

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

65강 Step 2 전치사 at


1. 정확하게 말하자

2. 말을 길게 이어나가자


- 시간 : 시각(at 7, at 9,), 나이(at 22, at 37), 

            at dawn, at noon, at sunset, at night, at midnight,

            at present, at the moment, at that time, at the last minute,

            at Christmas

- 공간 : (at) home, at school, at work, at church,

            at the desk, at the table, at the window, at the door,

            at the station, at the airport, 

            at Korea(한국을 지점으로 보고 지정할 때, 지도 등에서), at his office, at the concert, at the mall, at the party, at the market, at the library

            at 1100 Howe Ave, Call me at 010-2345-6789

            at the corner

at the age of seventeen, at twenty five, at the age of twenty five, at Easter, at Halloween, at dinner time

at the bottom, at the top, at the store, at the beach

I study at twelve. I study at Thanksgiving. I started studying at the age of twenty.

I study at the desk. It is at the door. It is at the top.

I study at the station at seven.

I study at the mall at twelve.

I study at the airport at Christmas.

I study at the mall at Easter.

65강_전치사 at.pdf


한주의 반이 지나간다.

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

64강 Step 2 감탄문


How fast

How cute

How silly

How stupid

How dirty

How expensive

How sad

How fast he is!

How cute she is!

How silly you are!

How stupid I am!

How dirty it is!

How expensive it is!

What a car

What a goal

What a day

What a dog

What a joke

What a car it is! ... What a car! 가 더욱 자연스러움.

He's tall. How tall he is! How tall!

It's slow. How slow it is! How slow!

It's huge. How huge it is! How huge!

It's cold. How cold it is! How cold!

It's beautiful. How beautiful it is! How beautiful!

It's a wild lion. What a wild lion it is! What a lion!

It's a tall building. What a tall building it is! What a building!

It's a big sales event. What a big discount it is! What a discount!

It's a long train. What a long train it is! What a train!

It's a full moon. What a full moon it is! What a moon!



화요일도 힘냅시다.

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

63강 Step 2 가정법


I have a car. If I had a car.

I know her If I knew her.

I take money. If I took money

You come here. If you came here. If you come.

You study. If you studied.

I am tall. If I were tall.

She is there. If she were there.

You are a bird. If you were a bird.

It is fine. If it were fine.

If you came. : 가정법(가능성이 없음), If you come. : 조건(가능성이 있음)

If I had a car, I would go there.

If I had a car, I could go there.

If you came, I would kiss you.

If you came, I could kiss you.

If I were a bird, I would fly.

If I were a bird, I could fly.

If she were here,  she would be happy.

If she were here, she could be happy.

If I were a man, I could go there.

If I were smart, I would teach him.

If you were wrong, I could correct them.

If you were a right, you would win it.

If he were cute, I would pet him.

If he were a boss, he could do it.

If she were me, she would tell them.

If we were younger, we could work out.

If I went there, I could meet her.

If you had a house, you could invite me.

If he called me, I could ask him.

If she made this, she would give it to me.

If we ran, we could catch the bus.

If they flew, they could go faster.



신나게 월요일.

블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)
