'현재진행'에 해당되는 글 1건

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29강 Step 1 시제 - 현재진행


be ~ing [현재진행형] 지금 ~하는 중이다.

I'm babysitting.

I'm lying.

She is wearing glasses.

She is wearing a seat belt.

She is wearing perfume.

They are dozing off.

We are repeating after You.

[현재진행형] ~할 것이다.

Be(am, are, is) ~ing

I am working tonight.

I am leaving soon.

I am moving to CA tomorrow.

I am breaking up with my boy friend today.

She is coming soon.

She is having a party tonight.

What are you doing tonight?

[현재진행형] 요즘 ~하고 있다.

I am seeing someone.(나 요즘 연애해.)

I am learning Spanish these days.

I am working a lot.

I am eating a lot.

I am having a problem at work.

It is snowing these days.

It is raining these days.




블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)
