'used to'에 해당되는 글 1건

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

Step 1 느낌동사 used to


1. [경험] ~하고 했다.(지금은 더 이상 아님)

I used to like him. (현재X)

I used to snore.

I used to have hair.

I used to think that way.

She used to be ugly.

It used to be here.


Did I use to eat chicken?

I didn't use to eat chicken.


Step 1 느낌동사 get(got) used to


1. ~에 익숙해지다. 편해지다.

I got used to it.

I got used to driving this car.

I got used to talking to(with) him.

I got used to working out.

I got used to repeating after Y.


(의문, 부정인 경우) be used to

I am used to it.

She is used to it.

You are used to it.

Am I used to it?

Is she used to it?

Are you used to it?

I am not used to it.

She isn't used to it.

You are not used to it.


(긍정인 경우) got used to

I got used to it.

She got used to it.

You got used to it.




13媛?used to, got used to.pdf



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블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)
