'미래'에 해당되는 글 1건

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

27강 Step 1 시제 - 미래


will (순간적으로 결정, 사전 계획X)

I'll do it.

I'll get the door.

I'll feed him.

I'll pick it up.

I'll accept it.

I'll bring it.

I won't call him.

I won't come again.

I won't accept it.

I won't bring it.

Will you call him?

Will you come again?

Will you accept it?

will you bring it?

be going to(미리 계획된 결정)

I'm going to marry her.

I'm going to have a baby.

I'm going to ask her out.

I'm going to study abroad.

I'm going to go on a diet.

I'm gonna call in sick.

I'm gonna take a day off.

I'm going to eat later.

I'm going to sell my house.

I'm going to quit my job.

I'm not going to eat later.

I'm not going to sell my house.

I'm not going to quit my job.

Are you going to eat later?

Are you going to sell your house?

Are you going to quit your job?




블로그 이미지

H. Jay Kim

정품 남편, 정품 아빠, 정품 노예(응? ㅠㅠ)
